Alt-Futures: Here, Now, Next

Hanan Abbas,
EmKay Adjei-Manu,
Abby Adjekum,
Czarina Mendoza,
Dalia Shalabi,
John Hill, Tee Kundu

This was my first residency, and I really enjoyed exploring new digital tools and connecting with some groovy folks. Alt-Futures will forever live with me. Let’s be awkward online and make weird shit! Let’s continue to share the web (sharing links as gift giving)! Let's keep nurturing our digital gardens. ✿
– Hanan Abbas


This summer residency made having casual community and new resources genuinely fun and accessible. It felt really affirming to be brought together by our individual - but mutual appreciation for self expression, creation and pushing personal boundaries. Alt Futures (to me) was a peak into the endless possibilities of what happens when we take up space. It’s refreshing and encouraging, really. Some things don’t need to be said when your lived experience is relatable. There were no expectations for how things would pan out besides knowing what we left with would be valuable. We give thanks to all the guidance and support along the way.
– Abby Adjekum


Participating in the Alt-Futures Residency provided me with the opportunity to learn new skills, create community, and deepen my engagement with my practice. I am so grateful to have been afforded this space to learn amongst other emerging artists and creatives who shared similar desires and interests. Through this residency, I feel encouraged to expand on my creative practice and pursue my curiosities even further. Eternally grateful for that. <3
– Emkay Adjei-Manu


what can I say truly about connection
while working with sounds of a soft power
pain of a hot summer
a migraine
a perfect rainy day, visiting
stories within the dust of a new building
shared within a stratoshpere
lateral distances I didn't understand but
could understand the shared feelings
Round the evenings frequency of 6-8pm
Of a delayed Wednesday goodbye
Thank you all to the fellow artists, facilitators of the Alt-Futures Residency and programming staff at FMC. 2022 summer flew by!
– Czarina Mendoza


Together and alone, the collective spirit of Alt-futures demonstrated that connection extends beyond physical touch. During the summer of 2022, we weaved a shared history and created comfort in a digital age. Coming together, and apart, I grew to miss the presence of people I met but didn't. I grew to resent the space in between yet find myself longing to inhabit it. A space where grief and celebration intermingle. A space where expectations are hung at the door and individuals are left free to create. A space where alternate futures are infinite. What you see is a slice of what could've been.
– Dalia Shalabi


As a facilitator, I felt free to learn alongside all of the residents. Seeing all of the residents take up new skills and to share ideas and support each other was an amazing thing!
– John Hill, facilitator
We imagined this to be a space for collaboration [&] co-learning for BIPOC creatives. How could we be active participants in our collective futures? Fingers crossed for our seedlings friendships to grow into long term support and resiliency as we continue to navigate 'how to thrive', 'how to make cool stuff',& 'how to care of ourselves and each other'. There are more questions than answers but very grateful. To spend this time together. Happy Futures to us all, and may the lizard overlord bless us everyone.
– Tee Kundu, facilitator

Alt-Futures 2022
BIPOC Media Arts Residency
Factory Media Center
Hamilton, ON

There’s No Place Like The Desert (Where?)
Hanan Abbas

The desolate escape
Dalia Shalabi
Interactive 3D experience

drum song
John Hill
Handrum, Sound

Once before, the Body
Emkay Adjei-Manu

Fly on the Wall (And the Seasons)
Abby Adjekum
Mixed Media

Pearl of the Orient
Czarina Mendoza
Mixed media with fresh water and plastic pearls

Here With You
Tee Kundu
Spark AR Filter